Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday. (oct.26)

1. So this past week I have completed chapter 2 in pre calculus, became more familiar with the gross anatomy of the muscles, and the play Macbeth in English!
2. This week I've learned that you only use 1/3 of your muscle fibers, bone is stronger than concrete, and that it is possible to actually rip muscle from your bone! The video we watched in class informed us that in times of crisis or life threatening situations, our brain actually triggers super human powers/strength that we didn't even know we had! What we know as adrenaline rushes is actually a biochemical reaction in glands just above the kidneys, and it can provide us with Olympic speed running and unrealistic strength. I've learned that our body is pretty much amazing!
3. This week I plan to learn more about insertion, origin, and action of our amazing muscles. I also plan to work more on "the book" and to real my actual book. :)

Illu adrenal gland.jpg
location of the biochemical reaction that causes adrenaline rushes...

we all have the potentual to run like Usain Bolt! 


Monday, October 22, 2012


Sooo yes, my book is pretty much everything I'd hoped it would be (not to brag or anything). However I can't seem to find motivation to make time to read it. When I start to read it, I can get into pretty easy. It's the starting to read is what's hard! BUT besides the point. I have learned that America is actually prepared for a biological weapon attack. I have also learned how the very first vaccines were experimented with!
insight: Smallpox was such a big threat to the human population, that now they is only TWO places it is held in containment: one locked freezer in Russia and on in America. Not only are they locked, but there is a decoy freezer in case someone tries to steal the virus! Crazy right? (HENCE THE NAME "DEMON IN THE FREEZER" LOL) This book is obviously teaching me some history as well as science. I like the science part better though, of course :) I am about half way done with Richard Preston's novel, and more than likely going to learn more about the history of the biological threat to the human race in 1979. WOO!

map of smallpox in the 1900s

picture of a case of smallpox from CDC files

True story! click below


Friday, October 19, 2012


Friday. October 19, 2012

1. Recently, I have completed learning the anatomy and physiology of the skeletal system (woo!). I have also just completed chapter 6 in pre-calculus.
2. I have learned how to name covalent and ionic compounds, that one muscle cell can be as long as your thigh!, that we shrink during the day, and that you can train your lungs to hold a higher capacity of air.
3. I plan to begin to get more into the muscle system, learning and memorizing the gross anatomy first and to get started on "the book" (packets for this section). I also plan on reading and watching more of Shakespeare's Macbeth in English. YAY.

Brief view of what I'm expected to know. 


Monday, October 15, 2012


Fact or fiction?

When I first read this article I questioned if it was even real haha. But really, this story is mind blowing. MIND BLOWING. The picture above shows the priest about to crack Egil's skull in half to examine the exact thickness. Little did he know that the 150 year old skull would withstand the blow. How is this even possible? Egil the viking suffered from Paget's disease. This is a chronic disorder that results in englarged and misshaped bones. To be simple, the remodeling of bone is disturbed, not synchronized. Excessive bone growth causes bone pain, deformity  fracture, and arthitis... poor Egil :( Ultimately, the excessive bone growth is due to the osteoblasts in the bones creating an uncontrolled amount of osetocytes due to lack of osteoclasts. The cause of Paget's disease is unknown, but have recently discovered that the seqeustrome on chromosome 5 may be associated and that virus may be necessary to trigger this disease. Another fun fact: Paget's disease is common in approximately only 1% of the American population! This is my guess as to why there is little research and information on this chronic disorder. BUT for more information, click here --->

Portrait by Quentin Matsys of a duchess suffering from Pagets... 
Poor lady :(



Two systems... Similar functions.
Both the skeletal system and integumentary system share the function of protection. The skeletal system, for example, includes the thoracic cage which protects internal organs, the skull which protects the brain, and also the pelvic girdle which protects the pelvis. So what about the skin you ask? WELL one of the integumentay system's main function is actually protection. The skin is the physical, chemical and water barrier. It protects the inside of the body from physical damage (cuts) and it's also hydrophobic (waterproof) to prevent loss or gain of hydration. The skin also protects the body from damage chemically, for example melanin prevents UV light from penetrating deep tissue! The skin is seriously amazing, obviously. These two systems are physiologically related by their functions and not to mention the skin (along with the muscle and nervous systems) actually protects the skeletal system itself! ---> I have a feeling this is just one example of how ALL the systems that allow our body to function are physiologically related. Which is fascinating to me because if you think about it, we are so perfectly designed? Creation or biological evolution...? 

Fun facts about the skin? Click below :)


Monday, October 1, 2012


To be honest, the book about using cocaine to cure disease was my first choice just because I was curious as to how that would be possible. Sadly it wasn't available at the time :( SOO I chose The Demon in the Freezer (bum bum buuuum). The main reason I chose this novel is because I was previously required to read The Hot Zone in my honors bio class with Mrs. Rewalt. Coincidentally, these books are written by the same author, Richard Preston. I actually kind of enjoyed The Hot Zone because it was very descriptive and gory (gross). Also, both books are based on a true story, which intrigued me. So, being the risk taker I am, chose a book that would probably be similar to a book I had actually enjoyed reading.

Interested in reading? Click the links below :)

(what my book is about....) ^^^ 
