Monday, October 15, 2012


Fact or fiction?

When I first read this article I questioned if it was even real haha. But really, this story is mind blowing. MIND BLOWING. The picture above shows the priest about to crack Egil's skull in half to examine the exact thickness. Little did he know that the 150 year old skull would withstand the blow. How is this even possible? Egil the viking suffered from Paget's disease. This is a chronic disorder that results in englarged and misshaped bones. To be simple, the remodeling of bone is disturbed, not synchronized. Excessive bone growth causes bone pain, deformity  fracture, and arthitis... poor Egil :( Ultimately, the excessive bone growth is due to the osteoblasts in the bones creating an uncontrolled amount of osetocytes due to lack of osteoclasts. The cause of Paget's disease is unknown, but have recently discovered that the seqeustrome on chromosome 5 may be associated and that virus may be necessary to trigger this disease. Another fun fact: Paget's disease is common in approximately only 1% of the American population! This is my guess as to why there is little research and information on this chronic disorder. BUT for more information, click here --->

Portrait by Quentin Matsys of a duchess suffering from Pagets... 
Poor lady :(


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