Tuesday, November 13, 2012


First off, I want to say that this is completely mind blowing. A remote control cockroach? I mean you're asking us to discuss the pros and cons of "mind control", but the concept is so crazy to wrap your head around, it's hard to say if it's ultimately a good thing or a bad thing. However I will attempt to organize my thoughts.

Pros                                                                                                                     Cons
-Cure to the paralyzed?                                                                             -MIND CONTROL
-Breakthrough to amputees, or anyone                                                    - Very controversial
born with a disability                                                                                 - Unethical?                    
                                                                                                             -More and more secrets 
                                                                                                            of scientific breakthroughs
                                                                                                          (danger of knowledge) 

Now the question is: do the results outweigh the means? If you think about it, a lot of critical or important knowledge was discovered through what some consider unethical practices. Does this mean the controversial way some information was discovered was "okay" because the outcome was beneficial? I think the opinion depends on the person and their views and beliefs. However, our generation is at the point where research on different information is only attainable through different ways. For example, this relates to stem cell research. The concept is unreal and very beneficial, but has the potential to be very dangerous. Thus making the topic very controversial. Cure to the paralyzed... or mind control? A breakthrough for science and evil minds. This could eventually lead to secrets being kept from society because they can consider information to be "to dangerous for knowledge". Is secret keeping only going to get worse as new discoveries progress? 

If scientists can create a way to keep breakthrough information only for good intentions in science, the world will be changed.

