Monday, October 1, 2012


To be honest, the book about using cocaine to cure disease was my first choice just because I was curious as to how that would be possible. Sadly it wasn't available at the time :( SOO I chose The Demon in the Freezer (bum bum buuuum). The main reason I chose this novel is because I was previously required to read The Hot Zone in my honors bio class with Mrs. Rewalt. Coincidentally, these books are written by the same author, Richard Preston. I actually kind of enjoyed The Hot Zone because it was very descriptive and gory (gross). Also, both books are based on a true story, which intrigued me. So, being the risk taker I am, chose a book that would probably be similar to a book I had actually enjoyed reading.

Interested in reading? Click the links below :)

(what my book is about....) ^^^ 
