Monday, October 1, 2012


To be honest, the book about using cocaine to cure disease was my first choice just because I was curious as to how that would be possible. Sadly it wasn't available at the time :( SOO I chose The Demon in the Freezer (bum bum buuuum). The main reason I chose this novel is because I was previously required to read The Hot Zone in my honors bio class with Mrs. Rewalt. Coincidentally, these books are written by the same author, Richard Preston. I actually kind of enjoyed The Hot Zone because it was very descriptive and gory (gross). Also, both books are based on a true story, which intrigued me. So, being the risk taker I am, chose a book that would probably be similar to a book I had actually enjoyed reading.

Interested in reading? Click the links below :)

(what my book is about....) ^^^ 



  1. What is the demon in the freezer about? The picture you put with the caption 'what my book is about' didnt really tell much? like what are the white dots on her face?

    1. The small pox disease being used as a biological weapon! The things on her face is the break out rash, they are lesions filled with pus that eventually erupt and create scabs filled with the extremely contagious and deadly variola virus. The book is about people infected with small pox, how they were exposed to it and how they created vaccines for that certain strain of small pox (so far).

    2. How were they infected? or did someone purposely expose them to it so other would be exposed? and so if you pop the lesions and the pus gets on you are infected? or does it travel through the air and you breath it you get infected? and when you say certain strain, does that mean like there are more than one type of small pox?? sorry for all the questions! Your book just seems really intersting!

    3. There are SO many strains of poxes! Like cowpox, pigpox, insectpox, any kind of animal has their own type of poxes! They believe that a certain strain of monkeypox jumped to the human species a really long time ago in a rural area and spread like crazy. Especially since they had to vaccine, it was deadly.
      Yes, if you are exposed to the pus you are defintely infected! And it can easily spread through the air. It's describing how a lot of people were exposed just through air vents.
      Certain strains are like the small pox virus but altered a little bit. Whether it be severity or what host it infects.
      And also the story is how someone used the virus as a biological weapon because they sent it to america in an envelope and it was opened and spread through an entire building just through the air!

  2. do the vaccines completely cure small pox?

    1. Where I'm at in the book right now they just discovered the concept of vaccinations. So they are infecting people with the actual virus of a certain kind of strain of smallpox, so the immune system develops an immunity to the smallpox virus. BUT there was many complications including fatalities and many people getting violently sick. One in a million people who got the vaccine actually died from it. But those who survived developed the immunity to the smallpox virus.

  3. oh ok i see holy cow!! one in a million? when was this book written? is it a true story?

    1. Yes it is a true story! Crazy right?! The book was codyrighted in 2002 but it is explaining the history of the smallpox virus and how how badly it impacted us in 1979.
