Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday. Nov. 9

1. So this week was very hectic, but somehow I managed to complete the balancing chemical reactions chapter in chemistry with acing test. Finishing my Macbeth essay in English, AND complete the rigorous muscle system ended with the dreaded test.
2. Learning...I did learn this week. I learned the sliding filament theory in detail, MH disease, and how exactly the feeling of "soreness" is created. I also learned how, and all the rules involved in, balancing equations. FUN. Not to mention all the fun facts involved in the physiology of generating ATP for contraction.
3. I plan to learn more about the book we are reading in English, Frankenstein. I also plan to learn a little bit about our next system: the nervous system! (I believe). I really can't wait to learn about the brain and all it's intriguing functions and anatomy. The brain fascinates me :) So yes you can say I am excited for the nervous system.

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