Sunday, November 18, 2012

Friday. Nov. 16

1. So what did I accomplish this week? Well first off, I started to read Frankenstein more intensive and actually get into it a little. I also completed the 3rd chapter in Pre-calc which I will officially finish Tuesday with a test. I also accomplished in introduction to THE BRAIN/nervous system by wacthing a couple very interesting movies and an online lab.
2. I actually learned a lot this week, especially in anatomy. The most interesting things I've learned of course have to do with the brain and what all can go wrong. Diseases such as Phantom limb, blind sight, capgras, and temporal lobe seizures seriously intrigue me. I learned that the brain is such an abstract organ that scientists learn more about it by the things that go wrong inside. I also learned how to dissect a leech.....which will come in handy one day I'm sure. And more importantly  I learned about neurons and how response to stimuli can identify the type of neuron!
3. I plan on learning a lot more about the interesting depths of the brain and all the anatomy and physiology and all that good stuff involved. And also I will learn to dissect the brain! Exciting stuff this week. Hopefully I can handle it.
