Monday, December 10, 2012

Friday Dec. 7

1. This week I completed the edocrine and reproductive systems! Props to us for finishing two chapters in one week... I also finshed the outline for my Frankenstein essay. AND ended yet another chapter in Pre-calculus with a bang (exam). On top of all this, I also studied like crazy for the ACT. You could say it was a productive...stressful week!
2. This upcoming week, I plan on officially ending chapters 9 and 16 with preparing for a test on Monday. Also preparing for the next section ahead in this class as well as Pre-calculus. I also plan on finishing my essay, and reading a few chapters of our most recent novel in English, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Exciting stuff. ALSO preparing for a chemistry and English 3 end of course exam (I will not get into my opinion for these...).
3. I learned about net ionic equations and how to calculate molarity in chemisrty. I also learned about the graphic, painful process of delivering a child (never having kids). Also the anatomy of the different parts of males and females! Fun stuff.