Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday. (oct.26)

1. So this past week I have completed chapter 2 in pre calculus, became more familiar with the gross anatomy of the muscles, and the play Macbeth in English!
2. This week I've learned that you only use 1/3 of your muscle fibers, bone is stronger than concrete, and that it is possible to actually rip muscle from your bone! The video we watched in class informed us that in times of crisis or life threatening situations, our brain actually triggers super human powers/strength that we didn't even know we had! What we know as adrenaline rushes is actually a biochemical reaction in glands just above the kidneys, and it can provide us with Olympic speed running and unrealistic strength. I've learned that our body is pretty much amazing!
3. This week I plan to learn more about insertion, origin, and action of our amazing muscles. I also plan to work more on "the book" and to real my actual book. :)

Illu adrenal gland.jpg
location of the biochemical reaction that causes adrenaline rushes...

we all have the potentual to run like Usain Bolt! 
