Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I want to start off by saying that this video was really pretty cool (that was my first thought.). This actually increased my interest for bio engingeering and possibly choosing this as my major..? This BLEW MY MIND. But besides the point. The TED video by Flo Omenetto discussed and explained a discovery of a silk, film type material. This new material is composed simply of water and proteins. This material seems simple, but can be formed into a material of many forms and purposes with the help of bio engineering. This relates to the human body tissue because much like this new silk material, specific tissues are formed to fit certain functions. Depending on the engineering of the silk, it can be made specifically to fit anything from vein muscles to bones; just like cells in tissue directly relate to its function. Alright. My last thought: Like..where will science and technology be when I'm old? How many other discoveries will blow my mind?

Another educational TEDtalks video about DNA :)


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